Semiconductor refers to a material whose conductivity falls between that of a conductor and an insulator at room temperature. Semiconductors have a wide range of applications in mobile phones, automobiles, military industry, aerospace, etc., such as diodes, which are one of the common semiconductor devices. The semiconductor front-end process is very complex, mainly including circuit design, coating, corrosion, slicing, SMT, packaging, testing, and so on. Semiconductors are mainly used in industries such as LED, MEMS, electroacoustics, and PCBA. The dispensing process includes chip fixation - red glue, electrical connection fixation - silver paste, fixing MEMS devices - silicone, COB packaging protection - epoxy glue, chip solder ball protection (underfill) - epoxy glue, and so on. The role of glue in packaging is relatively important, and there are various ways of dispensing, including time pressure, screw, plunger, jet, piezoelectric, etc.
Flip Chip Underfill
Protecting the internal structure of chips, moisture-proof and shock-proof.
Dome Coating
Dome Coating effectively prevents chip and wire detachment, damage, and moisture ingress.
Dam & Fill
Dam & fill is used in the encapsulation of semiconductor chips and components to provide reinforcement, seismic resistance, and protection against dust and water ingress.
No-flow Underfill
No-flow underfill adhesive serves as a flux during the early stages of chip packaging, transitioning into an adhesive for under filling during reflow soldering.
Glob Top
Glob top serves the purpose of protecting chips, solder joints, and bond wires.
Silver Paste
Fixing the Chip to the Carrier and Providing Conductivity.
Chip-level Solder Paste
Solder paste primarily serves the purposes of conduction, adhesion, and heat dissipation.
Plasma Cleaning
In the semiconductor industry, both in wafer and lead frame production processes, essential steps include Die bond, Wire Bond, Mold, and WOW bond.