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Corner Bonding

Reinforcing the bonding strength of large components such as BGAs or CSPs (Chip Scale Packages) is essential.

Corner Bonding is a process where adhesive is dispensed at the four corners of a device, providing bonding reinforcement before soldering as well as strength in the application environment. Corner bonding enhances the mechanical reinforcement post-soldering for BGAs or CSPs, reducing mechanical fatigue and stress failure. It ensures the reliability of solder joints and maximizes product lifetime.

Process Characteristics

Corner bonding is utilized in many market segments such as consumer, medical, automotive, aerospace, etc  Products such as mainboards and control boards in household appliances, power control boards, automotive central control system, plug-in type double-sided boards, and mainboards featuring large BGAs or CSPs.

During corner bonding key aspects of the dispensing process include dispensing quantity control, dispensing length, width, and height.

There are stringent requirements for the aspect ratio of the adhesive to maintain the wetted area and enough connection to the device to achieve the desired holding strength.  Fluid manufactures will develop their fluids to meet these requirements by adjusting viscosity, filler ratio, thixotropic index, etc.  Axxon Mycronic develops dispense technology suited to the various fluid properties.

Corner bonding is a process that has been done for many years at Axxon Mycronic.  We have developed robust, wear resistant pumps, motion platforms, software suited to this application and even post inspections system for an added level of traceability.  The R&D group continues to develop new dispense technologies to meet the needs of future fluids and applications keeping Axxon Mycronic on the leading edge of dispensing technology. 

Dispensing performance

corner bonding.png

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