
PCB Coating

PCB Coating

Coating improves the quality of home appliances.

Home appliances are diverse, although they are all domestic environment, but there are differences, such as air conditioning, will be in contact with moisture, air conditioning PCB long-term use of reliability will be affected. How to improve the moisture resistance of home appliance PCBs has become a key point in improving the quality of home appliances, and the introduction of the coating process has effectively solved such problems.

Process Characteristics

Typical products of home appliance PCB coating application are air conditioner, refrigerator, washing machine, rice cooker, toilet and so on. Home appliance PCB coating process requirements focus on the pursuit of efficiency and stability, so the home appliance PCB coating is defined as a high-efficiency selective coating application.Home appliance industry is a mature industry, customer demand is naturally based on cost-effective basis. Therefore, the ultimate pursuit of production efficiency and stability is what customers in the appliance industry are striving for. 

Axxon has launched the AC-500 series of models for the study of high efficiency in terms of machine speed, track transfer efficiency, valve discharge speed, etc., as well as in-depth optimization in terms of anti-pollution capability of the equipment.





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