
Glucose Test Strip

Glucose Test Strip

Dispensing makes blood glucose test strips inexpensive.

Blood glucose meter test strips test blood sugar by using glucose oxidase, peroxidase on the test paper to react with glucose in the blood, and the reaction produces a color to indicate the blood glucose concentration. The enzymes on the test paper are printed or glued on. The dispensing method produces test strips with less enzyme, more precise location, stable performance and high accuracy.

Process Characteristics

The accuracy of blood glucose meter test strip testing is inextricably linked to the dispensing effect of these bio-enzymes. Precise position and stable consistency of glue volume are the process characteristics of dispensing.

Jet dispensing system is Axxon's trump card products, set of high-precision, high-consistency dispensing and powerful process control capabilities in one can be matched with the company's various high-performance vision motion platform, to meet the diverse needs of customers dispensing.

Axxon jetting valve V-6500 is a non-contact jet dispensing valve, can be realized in the specified position to complete the 0.01mg level of precision dispensing, widely used in medical, life science and other industries.





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