


Sound quality, lightweight, waterproof.

For headphones, in addition to requiring comfort, rich sound quality, noise cancellation, voice control, and simple operation, they also need to achieve an IP45 waterproof rating. Headphones are compact overall, with tight layouts for various components. Adhesive bonding is required for linking, fixing, sealing, and bonding due to the compact design.

Process Characteristic

The main featuresof adhesive bonding include: bonding the outer shell, IC underfill, PCB encapsulation, line speed fixation, bonding of proximity sensors, bonding of speakers, sealing solder joints, MEMS encapsulation, button filling and sealing, USB sealing adhesive, PCB coating, and other processes.

Due to the small size of product components and unique geometry of the product some operations can only be done on a semi-automatic platform making it difficult to achieve fully automated assembly.

Customized automation platforms can be used for multi-axis motion and product handling.  Enhanced vision algorithms and surface sensing options combined with our standard dispense technologies can automate these unique products.





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